Valverde checks out of Italy for Swiss hotel. The fake beard is on.

///Valverde checks out of Italy for Swiss hotel. The fake beard is on.

Valverde checks out of Italy for Swiss hotel. The fake beard is on.

No, I'm not Valverde. He doesn't have a beard.

Alejandro, where’s your trench-coat?

The winner of the recent Veulta a Espana had been staying in Como, Italy in preparation for this weeks’ World Championship races in Mendrisio. But after a less than warm welcome from the Italians, Valverde now plans to bunk at a separate hotel on Swiss soil.

Things got ugly when Vittorio Adorni, the president of the Italian ProTour, called Valverde’s participation the the Worlds both “shameful and disturbing.” Back in May, the Italian Olympic Committee banned Valverde from racing in Italy for two years. The ban didn’t cover staying in Italian hotels or buying Italian leather jackets but Valverde isn’t feeling the love.

In the meantime, while his team searches for a nice Swiss hotel, Valverde has been spotted wearing a fake beard and sunglasses. Keeping a low profile. That’s what champions do.

By |2024-04-30T18:29:28-07:00September 23rd, 2009|World Championships|0 Comments

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